European poultry contributes actively to environmental footprint

Many will wonder how the European poultry sector is currently working towards an environmentally sustainable production system, minimising the impact on our planet and our society.


It is indeed a sector that is devoted to positively impacting the environment and whose commitment results in a strong, resilient and more sustainable production chain.

Both at farm level or further in the chain, producers are developing new technologies to modernise their production. They use techniques that will decrease the use of fossil fuels and improve their impact on the environment such as:

  • use of heat pumps or biomass to heat poultry houses, 
  • use of additives to improve digestibility and reduce excretions in the environment,
  • precision farming to make a better use of feed resources and improve animal welfare,
  • installation of solar panels or windmills to get green electricity,

Investment in biogas plants to use the manure as green energy source, reduction in plastic usage and optimization of recyclability, while maintaining product safety.

European poultry contributes actively to environmental footprint

The European poultry sector puts social sustainability and the wellbeing of people at the center of its purpose.


The comfort, safety and happiness of consumers and future potential consumers, industry professionals and global communities are only achieved by implementing adequate measures for the sustainable society of today and for generations to come.

Both at farm level or further in the chain, producers are developing new technologies to modernise their production. They use techniques that will decrease the use of fossil fuels and improve their impact on the environment such as:

  • use of heat pumps or biomass to heat poultry houses, 
  • use of additives to improve digestibility and reduce excretions in the environment,
  • precision farming to make a better use of feed resources and improve animal welfare,
  • installation of solar panels or windmills to get green electricity,

investment in biogas plants to use the manure as green energy source, reduction in plastic usage and optimization of recyclability, while maintaining product safety.

Did you know that…?

— That European poultry contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and that it uses sustainable natural resources?


— Over the past 15 years, breeding improvements have contributed to reducing the amount of feed needed to produce 1kg of poultry meat?


— That European poultry use less water when producing one kilo of meat than in the last two decades?


— The installation of solar panels on poultry barns permits to get green electricity?

— The European Poultry sector is considered one of the leading agri-food industries that are working for the preservation of natural resources and the reduction of GHG emissions.


— The production of poultry meat produced in the EU  has proven to have a smaller carbon footprint compared to other types of meat.


— It is important to highlight that not only does poultry produce minimum amounts of greenhouse gas, but also enables the recycling of some “waste” through the utilisation of by-products in other 

You’ll be happy to know that…


The sector is aware of the risk of soybean being associated with deforestation, and shares the commitment of the EU authorities that products traded in the EU market should not be linked to deforestation. Many of the EU producers have already made significant efforts and commitments to manage this risk by using certified soy, and the poultry meat sector has been supportive of many initiatives such as the FEFAC soy sourcing guidelines 2021, and national qualification schemes to secure a soy supply with limited risk of deforestation. In parallel, the sector encourages the development of alternatives to soy and of protein crops produced locally in Europe to avoid deforestation risks and have a shorter supply chain.

A holistic approach to sustainability

The European poultry sector has always had a holistic approach to sustainability: from the way it contributes to our environment, to the way that animal welfare is linked to the health of the planet and its people.


Continuous innovation and improvements on-field, as well as compliance with demanding European standards, result in high-quality meat, animal welfare, environmental protection and food safety.

Moreover, food producers are requested to reduce their emissions to air, water and land.


All poultry farms exceeding a threshold size of 40,000 bird places as well as slaughterhouses or  processing plants (with a production capacity greater than 50 T is this 50 thousand? per day) are within the scope of the Industrial Emission Directive. National authorities deliver a “permit to operate” with strict conditions in order to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. Operators are required to carry out activities in compliance with their permit.


Moreover, on top of this strict legislative framework (currently under revision), operators are continuously looking to improve their impact on natural resources by developing techniques and methods of production that will limit their consumption.

A holistic approach to sustainability

The European poultry sector has always had a holistic approach to sustainability: from the way that it contributes to our environment, to the way that the welfare of the animals is linked to the health of the planet and the people.

By putting animal welfare guidelines first, the European poultry meat sector ensures that animals are treated with their wellbeing in mind, from farm to fork.

Moreover, food producers are requested to reduce their emissions to air, water and land.


All poultry farms exceeding a threshold size of 40,000 bird places as well as slaughterhouses or processing plants (with a production capacity greater than 50 T is this 50 thousand? per day) are within the scope of the Industrial Emission Directive. National authorities deliver a “permit to operate” with strict conditions in order to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. Operators are required to carry out activities in compliance with their permit.


Moreover, on top of this strict legislative framework (currently under revision), operators are continuously looking to improve their impact on natural resources by developing techniques and methods of production that will limit their consumption.

Interested in knowing more about European sustainable poultry?

European Poultry: Sustainably good for you and the planet.

European Poultry, your smart choice!

The EU production standards are already among the highest in the world, and its continuous improvement will make the EU poultry sector a guarantee of success in terms of nutrition and sustainability.

In conclusion, as one of the three key pillars of the European poultry sector, environmental sustainability aims to guide the sector to the most efficient use of natural resources, through innovation and investment in greener  technologies and taking actions like mitigation of climate change and fight against deforestation as priority

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No matter which European country the poultry meat comes from, consumers can always rely on food safety, environmental protection, and animal welfare. Being a major trading partner in the global poultry meat market, the EU has proved to be a role model by having some of the highest standards in the world.