Why sustainability?

Why sustainability? When we hear the word sustainability, we tend to imagine a green leaf or a windmill. However, sustainability is such a broad concept, it means much more than taking care of the environment. In fact, we say that something is sustainable when it contributes favourably (or neutrally) to our planet, our society and our economy.   Thus, why is the European poultry sector considered a sustainable sector? Because of the great efforts that European farmers and all actors along the production chain make every day to contribute to all three pillars of

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Looking for a natural source of high protein? European poultry’s got you!

Looking for a natural source of high protein? European poultry’s got you! Nowadays, people are increasingly paying more and more attention to the type of food we eat in order to try to ensure that it is as natural and with the lowest possible degree of processing. That is why it is important to know the nutritional benefits of the foods in our shopping basket and why white meat is a highly recommended ingredient of a healthy and balanced diet, including the contribution of nutritional values as important as protein.   Among the nutritional

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Responsible use of antibiotics “as little as possible but as much as needed”

Responsible use of antibiotics “as little as possible but as much as needed” Animal health and welfare standards in the European Union are among the highest in the world. This is ensured by strict EU regulations, but also by the sector’s own effort to continuously improve production conditions with regard to resource conservation and animal welfare. Reduced use of antibiotics as part of the social pillar Within the social pillar of sustainability, the European Poultry sector, works to deliver amongst the highest standard of quality in the world. This is a work of constant

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European Poultry is Climate-Smart

European Poultry is Climate-Smart The European poultry meat sector strives to build a healthier and more sustainable European food system. In particular, the European poultry sector is determined to best balance between the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic, aiming at ensuring full access for Europeans to sustainable poultry meat. For an environmentally friendly food production Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach included in the EU’s initiatives such as Farm to Fork strategy, aimed at transforming agri-food systems to more environmentally friendly and climate-resilient practices. The CSA is committed to achieving internationally

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What data tell us

What data tell us What is the current situation of the poultry sector in the European Union? How many kilograms of poultry meat do Europeans consume? What are the top 3 poultry producers in the EU? And top 3 in consumption? Which are the poultry species produced in the EU? Has the UK’s exit from the EU had a major impact on the sector’s figures? Do you want to find out the answer to these questions? Then keep reading!   In this article we will try to answer all these questions using official data

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What European poultry can do (and does) to help employment in rural areas

What European poultry can do (and does) to help employment in rural areas The European poultry sector is continuously aiming to help employment growth in rural areas, by creating jobs in locations at risk of depopulation in the European Union and securing employment and a better living for the farmers. Direct employment in the European poultry sector Did you know that around 370.000 people in the European Union are currently making a direct living from the poultry sector? That’s more than the entire Iceland population! All alongside the production chain, from breeding to processing,

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Why sustainability?

Why sustainability? When we hear the word sustainability, we tend to imagine a green leaf or a windmill. However, sustainability is such a broad concept, it means much more than taking care of the environment. In fact, we say that something is sustainable when it contributes favourably (or neutrally)

European Poultry is Climate-Smart

European Poultry is Climate-Smart The European poultry meat sector strives to build a healthier and more sustainable European food system. In particular, the European poultry sector is determined to best balance between the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic, aiming at ensuring full access for Europeans to

What data tell us

What data tell us What is the current situation of the poultry sector in the European Union? How many kilograms of poultry meat do Europeans consume? What are the top 3 poultry producers in the EU? And top 3 in consumption? Which are the poultry species produced in the

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No matter which European country the poultry meat comes from, consumers can always rely on food safety, environmental protection, and animal welfare. Being a major trading partner in the global poultry meat market, the EU has proved to be a role model by having some of the highest standards in the world.